The Largest Flower In The World, Which Has An Unpleasant Smell Of Decomposing Flesh, Grows In Indonesia

Thousands of people have seen a video on social media of the Rafflesia bloom, which is a huge flower and is regarded as the biggest in the world. A man who was wandering through a woodland captured the video.
On the Indonesian island of Sumatra’s rainforests, one can find Rafflesia Arnoldi. Due to the smell of rotting flesh, it is also known as the corpse flower.
The flower bears Sir Stamford Raffles’ name, a British colonialist who discovered it by accident on the Island of Borneo in 1818. Indonesia, Brunei, and Malaysia all share the island.
The largest specimen of the flower was found in 2020 by Indonesian environmentalists at the Maninjau nature reserve in Agam, West Sumatra.
The flower measured 3.6 feet in diameter and had large white dots all around it. On February 10, 2022, Rafflesia was spotted blooming in woodland in Solok, West Sumatra.
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