A New Study Elaborates Why Some Individuals Attract Mosquitoes More Than Others

The female Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is the type of mosquito that transmits diseases including dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and zika, is 100 times more attracted to persons who have higher amounts of carboxylic acids on their skin.
It was also discovered that despite dietary or grooming routine modifications, humans’ attractiveness to mosquitoes remained constant over time.
If you have a lot of this substance on your skin, you’ll be the one at the picnic who gets bitten.
Who gets bitten more is the subject of legend, however the majority of these statements lack solid scientific support.
Sixty-four university volunteers were requested to place nylon stockings over their forearms in order to detect the scent of their skin. Numerous mosquitoes were released after placing the stockings in various traps at the end of a long tube. For the experiment, certain pieces of nylon were cut, and two samples from various people were put at the end of a long tube and put in a closed container with female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Basically, mosquitoes would swarm to the most alluring targets. Instantaneously, it was crystal clear. The largest mosquito magnet was found to be around 100 times more alluring to mosquitoes than the others.
The investigation came to the conclusion that mosquitoes stick with the things they like.
The scientists discovered that the skin of the favorites had a lot of acids. The skin’s natural moisturizing layer includes these sticky molecules, and various persons create different amounts of them. The investigation lasted several months, and several test results were obtained. The fact that you have a lifelong tendency to attract mosquitoes can either be a blessing or a curse, depending on who you are.
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