
A US Woman, 56, Gives Birth To Her Son And Daughter-In-Law’s Child

On various social media sites, there are several surrogacy-related stories. According to a People article, one such instance involved a mother who became a surrogate and delivered her son and daughter-in-law’s child in Utah, in the United States. After the wife had to have a hysterectomy, a surgical procedure to remove all or part of the uterus, the husband and wife pair were left with few options, the source added.

He did not consider it a possibility until Jeff Hauck’s 56-year-old mother Nancy Hauck suggested she could act as a surrogate for him and his wife Cambria. The 56-year-old gave birth to the couple’s fifth child, a daughter, thus it worked out for the family, the publication added.

Web developer Mr. Hauck described the entire event as a great moment. “How many individuals actually get to see their mother give birth?” he questioned.

The 56-year-old was reportedly in labor for nine hours and described it as a fantastic and spiritual event for her family to share. According to the People article, Ms. Nancy Hauck is dealing with unexpected emotions as a result of having a baby but not taking it home with her.

The infant girl’s name, Hannah, is a tribute to her grandma. Mr. Hauck continued by adding that his mother awoke in the middle of the night to the words “My name is Hannah.”

Even without gender testing, the grandmother, who works at Utah Tech University, grew confident that the child would be a girl.

The origin of Nancy’s name, according to Cambira, is Hannah. Both words mean grace.

Dr. Russell Foulk reportedly told the outlet that while it is unusual for a grandmother to carry her grandchild, age is actually not a barrier.

News Mania Desk

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