India notifies Pakistan to amend Indus water treaty

News Mania Desk/ Sohom Chatterjee / 19th September 2024
India has officially notified the Pakistani government to amend the six-decade-old Indus water treaty as they are seeking changes. The dispute regarding the Kishanganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects has been longstanding and India wants modification in the treaty. Via this notification, India has called Pakistan to commence government-to-government negotiations to review the Treaty under the provisions of Article XII(3).
The treaty has allocated the Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab waters to Pakistan and India has the rights over the Eastern rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej). Additionally, India can rightfully produce electricity from run-of-the-river projects. However, Pakistan has continuously objected to these projects which affected the water flow to India.
According to ANI sources, “India has served a formal Notice to Pakistan on August 30, 2024, seeking review and modification of the Indus Water Treaty under Article XII(3) of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT). Under Article XII(3) of the IWT, its provision may from time to time be modified by a duly ratified Treaty concluded for that purpose between the two Governments.”
India’s notification highlights fundamental and unforeseen changes in circumstances that require a reassessment of obligations under various Articles of the Treaty. Changes in population demographics, environmental issues–the need to accelerate the development of clean energy to meet India’s emission targets–and the impact of persistent cross-border terrorism etc are some of the many concerns India has raised. The background of this notification is the controversy concerning Kishanganga and Ratle Hydro Projects.
The World Bank has simultaneously activated both the Neutral Expert mechanism and the Court of Arbitration regarding the issues cited by India. The Indian side has also called for reconsideration of the resolution mechanism under the treaty.