Coachables, an One Stop Digital Platform That Educate And Inculcate Skills Among Users Globally announced their inauguration today by the founders Mr. Pinaky Chakravarty, Director, Coachables, an occupational therapist at a Memphis based hospital & Mr. Arijit Basu, Founder, Coachables, Sr. Clinical Research Data Engineer/ Analyst At A Children’s Research Hospital With The Department Of Epidemiology And Cancer Control. Ms. Alokananda Roy, Danseuse & Social Reformer was present to the event as chief guest.
“ is your one-stop getaway to career development, niche certifications, skill sharing and learning, one-on-trainings, hands on activities, and tech based learning. is a digital platform which intends to educate and inculcate skills among users, globally. Our main objective is to provide personal and professional development coaching to individuals who have the urge to enhance their knowledge in various domains,” said Pinaky Chakravarty, Founder, Coachables.
We are happy to announce the launch of Coachables here today. Though we are living in abroad, we always have a connection with India. This platform is for everyone. Our users learn at their own place and run on their own schedule. Our users get access to live classrooms, peer reviews and real-time feedback, skill sharing practices and more. Our overall mission is to create a space where both coaches and students exchange thoughts and ideas, and have the ability to promote effective communication through feedback generating mechanisms,” said Mr. Arijit Basu, Co- Founder, Coachables.
About the Founders:
Pinaky Chakravarty is an occupational therapist and the COO of Still Waters Home Health, a Memphis based healthcare organization which provides home health care services across the city. His expertise includes patient care for varied age groups where he is involved in numerous projects and ventures as an entrepreneur in both clinical and non-clinical environments. Being an Indian born and a resident of Memphis, Tennessee in the United States for over 25 years, his approach comes with his diversity.
Arijit Basu is a Sr. Clinical Research Data Engineer/Analyst working for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,a world renowned Pediatrics cancer research hospital based in Memphis, USA, with the department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control. He has contributed in many collaborative research based publications as a data analyst in his previous role with Vanderbilt University. His passion for writing has also earned him a niche name in the media industry. He holds many national and international accolades in this domain. Some being, Top 100 Global Social Influencer award by Piktale and the title of Times of India Brand Ambassador.
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