
Arundhati Roy Awarded PEN Pinter Prize 2024 for Literary Merit

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/28th  June 2024

Arundhati Roy, renowned author and activist, has been honored with the PEN Pinter Prize 2024, an esteemed literary award established by English PEN to commemorate Nobel laureate playwright Harold Pinter. The award ceremony, scheduled for October 10 at the British Library, will see Roy receiving the accolade and delivering an address.

The PEN Pinter Prize is bestowed annually upon a writer residing in the UK, Republic of Ireland, or the Commonwealth, who, in the spirit of Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, examines the world with an unwavering gaze and a fierce intellectual commitment to uncovering the truth of our lives and societies.

This year’s jury panel, comprising English PEN chair Ruth Borthwick, actor Khalid Abdalla, and writer Roger Robinson, recognized Roy for her profound literary contributions. Previous recipients of the award include notable figures such as Michael Rosen, Margaret Atwood, and Salman Rushdie.

Borthwick congratulated Roy, highlighting her ability to articulate urgent stories of injustice with both wit and beauty. She commended Roy’s internationalist perspective, noting that while India remains a focal point, her influence extends globally, resonating with readers worldwide.

Actor Khalid Abdalla praised Roy as a luminous voice for freedom and justice, emphasizing her unwavering clarity and determination over nearly three decades of writing. He underscored the timeliness of her words amidst global crises, reflecting on her enduring impact since her debut novel, “The God of Small Things.”

Roger Robinson echoed these sentiments, lauding Roy’s incisive commentary on issues spanning environmental degradation to human rights abuses. He applauded her steadfast commitment to advocating for marginalized communities and challenging societal norms.

In her acceptance statement, Roy expressed gratitude for the PEN Pinter Prize, acknowledging the responsibility to confront the complexities of the contemporary world through literature. Reflecting on Harold Pinter’s legacy, she lamented the current global trajectory and the absence of his voice to address unfolding events.

Roy’s recognition comes amidst controversy in India, where authorities recently approved legal action against her under stringent laws. Despite challenges, Roy continues to use her platform to illuminate critical issues and advocate for social justice through her writing.

The PEN Pinter Prize 2024 underscores Arundhati Roy’s enduring impact on literature and her unwavering commitment to confronting societal injustices. As she prepares to accept this prestigious award, Roy’s voice remains a beacon of insight and courage in navigating the complexities of our times.

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