Avoid Being On The Wrong Side Of History- A Letter From A Ukrainian Who Speaks Russian

A cultural anthropologist who has spent the last two decades learning about India from his many friends there. In a letter, the anthropologist provided some crucial information regarding Ukraine. He has given nine points which we have briefly described below in his letter.
- Russia is not the USSR. Every Indian has a sweet spot for the Rusi Bhai, India’s brother, steadfast ally, and old friend in a world run by the Americanoid West and its imperialist, predatory ways. Not because I am Russian but rather because I am from the former USSR, which most Indians mistake for Russia, I have frequently benefited from this Russophilia in India. Putin’s Russia, however, is not the USSR. It is the polar opposite of it.
- Neither Ukraine nor the conflict it is involved in is an American puppet state. Since Bill Clinton forced Ukraine’s president to give up its nuclear arsenal in 1994, relations between the US and Ukraine have been strained.
- NATO did not encircle Russia. NATO is a defense partnership that has never put Russia in danger. Actually, it has purposefully avoided it. Since the Baltic States joined the alliance in 2004, the two countries have bordered each other, and no attempt has ever been made to challenge Russian sovereignty. Putin has stated that he does not perceive NATO as a danger numerous times, most recently in May.
- Ukraine is a thriving, multilingual democracy, not a Nazi regime. The president of Ukraine, who was chosen in 2019 with 74% of the vote, is a Jew who speaks Russian and had three uncles who lost their lives fighting the Nazis in World War II. Like every other nation in Europe, Ukraine has right-wing movements and parties, but in the most recent elections, they received only 2% of the vote and were unable to win any seats in the national legislature.
- Ukrainians who speak Russian do not require savings. Before 2014, when Putin invaded Crimea and the Donbas, fanning ethnic separatism, Ukraine had no separatist movements, unlike France, Britain, or Spain. Although there are frequent discussions in Ukraine regarding bilingualism and the relative importance of Russian culture and language use, oppressive tactics have never been utilized against ethnic Russians.
- Russia is the last remaining European empire. While the empires of Europe fell at the end of World War II, this was only the beginning for Russia. Putin and his cronies have frequently discussed reestablishing the Soviet/Russian Empire.
- Both Putin and his army are frail. With Russian troops making reservations for early March at restaurants in Kyiv, Putin spent trillions on the Russian army, which he anticipated would annex Ukraine in 3 to 5 days. After failing on the battlefield, losing a lot of support in Russia, and becoming diplomatically isolated, he is now threatening nuclear war on all of us.
- Russia is not India’s friend, in contrast to the Soviet Union. The (Ukrainian) Nikita Khrushchev, who came up with the “Hindi Rusi Bhai Bhai” catchphrase, was the first Soviet leader to forge close political and cultural connections with India. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union provided more military and economic assistance to India than even Communist China did, supporting India’s claims to the sovereign territories of Goa and Kashmir as well as during the war of 1971. Sanskrit and Indology flourished in Soviet institutions, Raj Kapoor and Rajiv Gandhi were revered figures, and a large number of Indian students traveled to the USSR. Contrarily, Putin views India largely as a market, which is why the core of the Russo-Indian special and privileged strategic partnership is the sale of oil, nuclear reactors, armaments, free commerce, and a transit corridor. And where was Russia during the most recent war between China and India? And if China launches another attack, where will it be?
- Ignoring or supporting Russia’s war is not in India’s or its citizens’ best interests. Ukraine is just one issue in this conflict. Economic, geopolitical, and moral precedents will be permanently established at its conclusion.
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