5th Bangladesh Film Festival opens in Kolkata on 27th July

By : Partha Roy
Information and Broadcasting Minister of Bangladesh Dr. Muhammad Hasan Mahmud M. P. inaugurated three-day film festival at Nandan in Kolkata.
West Bengal Education Minister and International theatre personality Shri Bratya Basu , Member of Parliament of Bangladesh Smt. Aroma Dutta, Additional Information & Broadcasting Secretary of Bangladesh Janab Farook Ahmed ,First Secretary Press of Deputy High Commission of Bangladesh Shri Ranjan Sen , iconic film maker Gautam Ghosh attended the inauguration ceremony. The inauguration ceremony was chaired by Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Kolkata Janab Andalib Elias.
Three day film festival is taking place from 29 -31 July 2023. Film festival will screen more than 20 films from Bangladesh at Nandan complex .
Inauguration ceremony was attended by galaxy of celebrities from Bangladesh as well as West Bengal. Also, Inauguration ceremony was attended by popular film actors, Chairperson of Banks, industrialists and Business persons, large no. musicians, artists, film and television personalities, media owners, President of Press Clubs of both nations , large number of Journalists from both countries , members of diplomatic community based in Kolkata, senior government officials of Bangladesh and India .
Film industry in Bangladesh formally started by Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Reheman when he was Industry Minister of Pakistan in 1950s mentioned by Dr. Muhammad Hasan Mahmud M. P.
Films of Bangladesh are very popular in West Bengal. Bengali films of India are also very popular in Bangladesh. Bangladesh will facilitate release of ten Hindi films every year.
Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner mentioned Bangladesh film industry revived and rejuvenated after facing challenging time.
5th Bangladesh Film Festival is being organized in July this year unlike earlier four film festivals which held in October because of upcoming General election of Parliament in Bangladesh in end of the year or earlier next year.
Pre ponment of film festival is initiated by Information and Broadcasting Minister of Bangladesh keeping in view popularity of festival as well as importance of Bangladesh-India multi-dimensional relationship.
Common language “BENGALI” and common culture bind people of Bangladesh and West Bengal.
Bangladesh Minister also remembered Martyrs of Bengali language movement and paid tribute to them for their sacrifice .He mentioned in remembrance of Martyrs of Bengali language movement United Nations observes “International Mother Language Day” on 21st February every year.
A film on Dhirendranath Dutta who first raised demand to make Bengali as official language of Pakistan after India was divided in 1947 will be screened during the present film festival said by Janab Andalib Elias.
Inauguration ceremony saw great celebration of the spirit of joy of sharing mother language Bengali between People of Bangladesh and India specially people of Kolkata who attended inauguration ceremony.
Inauguration ceremony concluded with musical concert by popular artists of Bangladesh and reverberation of “Joy Bangla” .