Owner Of The Modified Mahindra Thar Receives A Six-Month Prison Sentence

On November 18, a court in Jammu and Kashmir condemned the owner of a Mahindra Thar to six months in prison for adding a siren and other unlawful modifications to his SUV. In the case of UT of Jammu & Kashmir v. Adil Farooq Bhat, the modifications are a clear violation of Section 52 of the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 (MV Act).
This particular Mahindra Thar from a previous generation has been modified with a hard top, larger wheels and tires, LED lights, and a high car siren. The vehicle’s structure has been entirely changed from its original position, as stated in the registration certificate (RC) of the vehicle, in accordance with the court’s order.
Due to the fact that the offense does not include moral turpitude and that the offender has never been convicted before, the accused was granted probation under the Probation of Offenders Act. Instead, the court ordered the owner of Thar to sign a Rs 2 lakh bond promising to maintain peace and good behavior for a period of two years. The accused would be given the suggested sentence if they disobeyed their bond conditions.
News Mania Desk