Health /Lifestyles


Bobby Chakraborty, a senior actor/activist/acting coach of repute from Kolkata- India, has been changing young lives for the better, through his award winning, global, free of cost,preventive awareness program for youth, against all sorts of addiction and harmful social trends,for over a decade now, titled ‘I am the King of my Mind’.

On June 19th he conducted his 420th session at BDM International School, which was also his 20th session in this school. The school administration and the socially responsible Principal Smt. Madhumita Sengupta, unlike many, believe in addressing these pertinent issues of smoking, alcoholism, smart phone addiction, online gambling, use of abusive language,indecent behaviour online to grab eyeballs, to young minds, as soon as possible, before the damage has been fatally done. This powerful and motivational session of Bobby,attended by over 500 enthusiastic  students of grades IX and X, was perfectly coordinated by senior teacher Pritha Mukherjee Madam, Jaya Madam and Aratrika Madam,under the guidance of The Principal.

Soldier Rajoudi Jana, a student of Class IX, was the official photographer of the inspirational session, assisted by soldier Indradeep Chowdhury, who was also designated with the much coveted title of ‘The 1st Soldier’. Soldier Shreyas Khastagir was conferred upon the title of ‘The Trendsetter’.

The surprise contest at the end had soldiers Mitil, Soumili and Shrayan as the winners, who along with Rajoudi, the D. O. P., were given special prizes and customised HCF(Health-Career-Family) tshirts and Community Service Certificates by their beloved Bobby Dada,through the hands of the Principal, Madhumita Madam.

The mind bending interactive session ended with every student and teacher shouting out the mantra to lead a healthy life ‘I AM THE KING OF MY MIND’,with Bobby,at the top of their voices, with their hands raised, promising never to surrender to the dark forces of the society.


(This story has not been edited by News Mania staff and is published from a Media Release)

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