
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Pledges Development in Maoist-Affected Areas

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/1st July 2024

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai declared on Friday his government’s dedication to speeding up the development of rail, road, and telecom connectivity in the state’s Maoist-affected regions. This statement followed his leadership at a unified command meeting aimed at evaluating the security situation and developmental progress in areas plagued by left-wing extremism (LWE).

“The unified command meeting is typically held once a year. Our home minister, chief secretary, director-general of police (DGP), and senior officials attended. We had an extensive discussion on Naxalism and assessed the status of various developmental projects in the affected regions,” Sai remarked.

Since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regained power in Chhattisgarh six months ago, Sai noted that his administration has taken a firm stance against the Naxal threat. Security forces have achieved notable successes in anti-Naxal operations during this period.

When questioned about the anti-Naxal strategies discussed, Sai expressed optimism, highlighting the advantage of having a “double engine” government, with the BJP in power both in the state and at the Centre. He mentioned that Union Home Minister Amit Shah had previously chaired a meeting in January, offering essential guidance on the anti-Naxal front.

Sai emphasized the importance of inclusive development, stating, “We aim to bring development to everyone. Even the villagers aspire to be part of the mainstream growth.” The government has established new security camps in multiple locations and is working to ensure that basic amenities and welfare benefits reach Naxal-affected villages through its ‘NiyadNellanar’ scheme.

Efforts are being made to accelerate projects related to road, rail, and telecom connectivity in these areas, ensuring there are no resource shortages for any ongoing work. “The objective is to expedite development projects and guarantee that resources are available for all necessary work in these regions,” Sai added.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, who also oversees the home portfolio, Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain, DGP Ashok Juneja, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Manoj Kumar Pingua, and senior officials from the state police and central armed forces, including the CRPF, BSF, ITBP, and Indian Air Force.

In terms of security operations, over 130 Naxalites have been killed this year in various encounters with security forces across Chhattisgarh. This figure underscores the ongoing efforts to curb Naxalism and restore peace and security in the affected areas.

The Chief Minister’s remarks reflect a comprehensive approach combining robust security measures with developmental initiatives to address the root causes of extremism and bring about sustainable growth in the Maoist-affected regions of Chhattisgarh. The government’s commitment to enhancing infrastructure and connectivity is seen as crucial to integrating these areas into the broader economic and social framework of the state.

Overall, Chhattisgarh’s strategy involves a dual focus on strong anti-Naxal operations and accelerated development, aiming to create a more secure and prosperous environment for all its residents. This balanced approach is intended to not only eliminate the immediate threat of Maoist violence but also address the underlying issues that have allowed extremism to take root.

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