We are all familiar with the free of cost, global awareness program for the youth, against addiction of all sorts and harmful social trends titled ‘I AM THE KING OF MY MIND’ , which is a selfless initiative of actor/activist/teacher of method acting, Bobby Chakraborty. We are also familiar with the ‘COMMUNITY SERVICE CERTIFICATES’ that selected students receive from Bobby, after his sessions. We spoke with him, asking him to elaborate on this much talked about ‘CERTIFICATE OF A SOLDIER’ and the future plans with his much acclaimed ‘ANTI ADDICTION CAMPAIGN’.
Here’s what Bobby said :-
“Many years ago, before I became an actor, I was a marine engineer by profession, serving for Forbes Gokak which later on merged with ExxonMobil. I remember , before joining my first ship, I was thoroughly screened and scrutinized in my Mumbai and United Kingdom manning offices. In those series of never ending trainings,written tests and interviews, I was repeatedly asked to produce my certificates. By default I used to always exhibit my academic certificates first, from the plastic folder I used to carry with me . It was the CEO,Capt. Mistry who asked me to produce the certificates of ‘extra curricular activities’ and ‘community service’ if any, which by the way I had many in number. But never did I think they would be of any use for a marine engineer, being scrutinized to serve in a foreign ship, where all he had to do was fire boilers, clean oil purifiers, maintain pipelines and look after the pumps/valves and safeguard the Main Engine.
Capt.Mistry with all his wisdom and experience,had explained to me, how important those non-academic certificates of extra curricular activities and community service were. As my employer and my boss, he was searching a new employee for his fleet, who was not only academically superior, but an all rounder in various fields and more importantly a person with social responsibility, who would mix seamlessly with the multinational crew, ushering an environment of peace and brotherhood.
My innumerable ‘COMMUNITY SERVICE CERTIFICATES’(which I thought weren’t of much use) he said ,were a testament for the element of great social responsibility in me. I believe I got that much coveted job in a multinational company like Forbes/ExxonMobil because of my community service certificates and not only because of my academic degrees.
Years later when I started organising ‘My Anti Addiction Campaigns’ globally, I took it up as my lifelong duty and responsibility to guide the youth, who are our future, towards a positive and healthier path in life. In doing so, my sessions in schools, colleges, universities worldwide became the battlefield, where I started my fight against the social evils of addiction and other harmful trends among the youth. Those who would have that element of social responsibility to give back to the society, will obviously fight with me and eventually become my ‘SOLDIERS’.
That’s where I understood that I need to recognize these valuable ‘soldiers’ of mine…some of whom are fighting this battle with me ACTIVELY since their childhood, some of whom prove their mettle during the sessions through their participation, enthusiasm and attentiveness and some with their creativity too. To inspire these young minds,to keep on standing up for the right path of life and fight against evils of addiction, I do give the deserving soldiers some extremely personalised prizes and this much valued ‘COMMUNITY SERVICE CERTIFICATE’, which, like in my formative years, are giving these young boys and girls, that extra leverage in the formation of their career too. That’s the least I can do as their beloved ‘BobbyDada’.
As far as MY ANTI ADDICTION CAMPAIGN goes…it just the the start…miles to go before I sleep…as the people of all ages around me are either asleep or silent spectators. Hence a tough battle I know is ahead of me to awaken them or break into their denial mode. I know I have to win and not let the same mishap like my family, to occur in anyone else’s.
(This story has not been edited by News Mania staff and is published from a Media Release)