
Nana Patekar Opens Up About Personal Struggles and Quitting Smoking

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/23rd June 2024

Veteran actor Nana Patekar recently shared deeply personal insights about his life, including the tragic loss of his elder son and his battle with smoking addiction. In a candid interview with The Lallantop, Patekar revealed details that shed light on his seldom-discussed personal challenges.

Patekar spoke openly about his eldest son, who faced health complications since birth, including a hidden eye condition. Reflecting on his initial reactions to his son’s appearance, Patekar expressed regret over prioritizing societal perceptions over his son’s feelings. “I felt so disgusted that when I saw him, I thought about what people would think, what kind of son Nana has,” he candidly admitted.

The actor’s sorrow deepened when his son passed away, leaving a profound impact on his life. Additionally, Patekar disclosed his struggle with a severe smoking addiction, consuming up to 60 cigarettes daily at one point. “I even smoked while bathing. But it’s a very bad thing. No one would sit in my car because of the foul smell,” he shared remorsefully.

Patekar attributed his decision to quit smoking to a poignant moment involving his sister, who had lost her only son. Witnessing Patekar’s deteriorating health due to smoking, his sister’s heartfelt plea became a catalyst for change. “She saw me coughing after smoking and said, ‘What else do you want to see?’ That hurt me deeply,” Patekar revealed, prompting him to quit smoking altogether.

In addition to his personal struggles, Patekar also recounted the poignant story of how he met his wife and the brief but cherished time he spent with his elder son, whom he named Durvasa. “His name was Durvasa. He spent two and a half years with us. But what can you do, some things happen in life,” Patekar reflected with emotion.

Known for his candid demeanor and impactful roles in Bollywood classics such as “Agnisakshi,” “Krantiveer,” and “Tiranga,” Nana Patekar’s revelations provide a rare glimpse into his private life beyond the silver screen. Despite the personal challenges he has faced, Patekar’s resilience and honesty continue to resonate with fans and admirers alike.

Last year, Patekar was part of Vivek Agnihotri’s thought-provoking film “The Vaccine War,” showcasing his enduring commitment to meaningful cinema. His openness about personal struggles and triumphs serves as an inspiration and reminder of the complexities that lie beneath the surface of public figures.

Through his journey of overcoming addiction and coping with personal loss, Nana Patekar’s story offers hope and encouragement to those facing similar challenges. His decision to prioritize health and family underscores the importance of personal well-being amidst life’s adversities.

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