
Eight Killed in Kenya as Protests Against Tax Hikes Turn Deadly

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/26th June 2024

In a dramatic escalation of unrest, at least eight protesters were fatally shot by police after hundreds stormed Kenya’s parliament. The demonstrators broke through police barricades on Tuesday, breaching the parliament complex in Nairobi as lawmakers inside were passing legislation to increase taxes.

The police response involved live ammunition, resulting in around 50 injuries. The intense clashes forced hundreds of politicians to seek refuge in the basement of parliament. Local television footage showed parts of the building ablaze and heavily damaged.

The protests were triggered by widespread opposition to the tax hikes in a nation already grappling with a severe cost of living crisis. Many demonstrators are also demanding the resignation of President William Ruto. The rallies, primarily led by young people in their twenties, began last week against the proposed taxes.

Initially, the demonstrations were largely peaceful. President Ruto even expressed his willingness to engage in dialogue with the protesters over the weekend. However, tensions boiled over on Tuesday afternoon. Protesters, who had begun throwing stones at police and pushing back against barricades, managed to make their way towards the parliament complex, which was heavily guarded by riot officers.

When attempts to disperse the crowds with water cannons and tear gas proved ineffective, the police resorted to using live bullets. The violence led to chaotic scenes, with videos on social media showing protesters dining in the parliament’s canteen, walking down streets with a ceremonial mace, and desecrating flags inside the parliament building.

The situation was further inflamed by reports from Kenyan media outlet KTN TV, which claimed the government threatened it with a blackout if it continued to cover the protests. In response, the 24-hour news channel vowed to resist any intimidation, stating, “We shall not be cowed by any threats.”

Last week, the government, facing significant financial pressures, agreed to roll back several tax increases, including those on bread and car purchases. However, President Ruto’s administration maintains that certain tax hikes are still necessary to boost state revenues and reduce reliance on external borrowing.

The violent crackdown on protesters marks a dark chapter in Kenya’s ongoing struggle with economic hardship and political dissent. The fatalities and injuries have drawn widespread condemnation and calls for accountability. The government’s heavy-handed response has further fueled anger and resentment among the populace, who see the tax increases as an additional burden on an already struggling economy.

This crisis underscores the deep-seated issues plaguing Kenya’s political and economic landscape. With the cost of living rising and public trust in government waning, the unrest is a clear signal of the population’s frustration and desire for change. President Ruto faces a critical challenge in addressing these grievances and restoring calm.

As Kenya navigates this turbulent period, the international community will be watching closely. The events of this week have highlighted the urgent need for dialogue and reform. For Kenya’s leadership, finding a balance between fiscal policy and public welfare will be crucial in the days ahead.

The tragic loss of life in these protests serves as a stark reminder of the high stakes involved. It is imperative that all parties work towards a peaceful resolution and a future that addresses the needs and concerns of the Kenyan people.


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