
Heavy Dark Matter Could Break the Standard Model, New Research Shows

News Mania Desk \ Piyal Chatterjee \ 22nd january 2025

The idea of heavy dark matter has sparked worries regarding its effects on the essential framework of the universe. Although dark matter is believed to be a crucial element in elucidating numerous astrophysical events, recent studies suggest that particles surpassing a specific mass might undermine the Standard Model of particle physics. The persistent search for dark matter, which constitutes most of the universe’s mass but remains undetected directly, keeps challenging existing theories.

A study released on the preprint server arXiv indicates that the mass of possible dark matter particles has major consequences. Research has predominantly concentrated on a mass range of 10 to 1,000 giga-electron volts (GeV), similar to the heaviest known particles such as the top quark and the W boson. Nevertheless, researchers have recently investigated greater mass ranges, revealing possible discrepancies.

The research emphasizes that dark matter particles interacting with the Higgs boson, essential for granting mass to particles, may result in significant consequences. If dark matter particles were to surpass several thousand GeV, their effect on the mass of the Higgs boson would disturb the equilibrium seen in particle interactions. These changes could, in theory, compromise the stability of the universe’s particle structure. According to, these results imply that dark matter theories featuring heavy particles might not correspond with established physical laws.

Alternative scenarios suggest that dark matter might interact via mechanisms not associated with the Higgs boson or that its characteristics differ completely from existing predictions. Axions, which are ultralight particles backed by certain theoretical models, have been suggested as a lighter option, leading to revived interest and exploration.

The findings of the study also indicate the need to improve experimental methods. If the theory regarding heavy dark matter proves true, upcoming experiments might have to focus on finding particles with lower mass.

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