Jai Jagannath, Jai Jagannath Jai Jagannath : mantra of Lord of the universe that empowers millions of lives on planet Earth
Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi delivered the talk in Hindi demonstrating unique cultural unity of Bharat.

Jai Jagannath!!!
Bharat Chamber of Commerce(BCC) and Bharat Chamber of Commerce Ladies Fourm (BCCLF) organized a session on Bhagwan Shree Jagannath titled ” A Talk on Shree Jagannath – The Lord of the universe ” by Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi a specialist in Jagannath Sanskriti, Reader (SS) in Hindi , Kamala Nehru Women’s College Bhubaneshwar Odisha, a passionate orator and iconic trainer of JCI India on 26th April 2024 in Kolkata.
Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi spoke on various aspects of Jagannath Sanskriti and it’s influence on evolution of human civilization in eastern India over centuries that had shaped socio–cultural-economic -political scape of Kalinga region of Bharat or modern day Odisha.
Today , Jagannath Sanskriti has spread nearly in all continents of the planet Earth. Various festivals connected to Bhagwan Jagannath are celebrated across all continents where Hindus especially Odia community is present. Today , Bhagwan Jagannath is worshipped by nearly all Hindu communities in Bharat and abroad.

Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi emphasized Bhagwan Jagannath is lord of love , affection & care , soul connection , empowerment for his devotees. She mentioned JCI ( Junior Chamber International) ‘s philosophy which promotes & support development of each & every individual deeply connected to Jagannath Sanskriti as both facilitate all round human development and empowerment.
Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi elaborated on various rituals involved in every day worshipping as well as various annual celebrations and observances involving more than decades of Bhagwan Jagannath , Bhagwan Balabhadra and Subhadra Devi. She highlighted Ratha Yatra of Bhagwan Jagannath , Bhagwan Balabhadra, Subhadra Devi , Sudarshan Chakra of Bhagwan Vishnu which is unique inclusive celebration where rich ,poor , people from various other religions and communities participate in the spirit of bonhomie and cooperation. Ratha Yatra also symbolically involves participation from other members of biosphere those support life on the planet Earth.
Smt. Nilima Joshi of BCCLF welcomed the august gathering and highlighted the fact Bhagwan Jagannath is worshipped alongwith his brother Lord Balabhadra and sister Subhadra Devi in Puri temple and which is most important place of pilgrimage of Bhagwan Jagannath.
Smt. Renuka Shah Chairperson of BCCLF introduced Guest in Chief Dr. Vedula Ramalakshmi and spoke on omnipresence of Bhagwan Jagannath .
Smt. Shampa Ghose delivered vote of thanks and spoke on influence of Bhagwan Jagannath in religious-cultural scape of Hindus and in their cultural heritage.