Aaftab Poonawala Has Not Admitted In Court To Killing Shraddha Walkar

According to police sources, Aaftab Poonawala claimed in court in Delhi that he killed Shraddha Walkar, his lover, in the heat of the moment. But according to his attorney, he hasn’t made a confession in court. He added that the majority of the evidence used to convict Aaftab was circumstantial, which could be advantageous to him.
The 28-year-old is charged with strangling Shraddha Walkar in May in the Delhi apartment they shared, dismembering her body into 35 pieces, and dispersing the pieces throughout the neighborhood.
Aaftab Poonawala created a site plan of the Delhi woods where he discarded Shraddha’s body pieces, the police testified to the court. They said that the plan had been discovered in his home. The police added that forensic tests had been conducted on blood-stained tiles found in his bathroom.
Given that statements made in court during a hearing rather than a trial are not considered evidence, Aaftab’s remarks may not be regarded as a confession. An accused person is protected from self-incrimination by criminal procedure.
Aaftab was detained by the Delhi Police on November 21 and they claim he confessed to the horrifying murder. On May 18, two days after relocating to a new residence in south Delhi, Aaftab is accused of killing Shraddha. He purchased a 300-liter refrigerator the next day to store her body parts, and according to sources, he continued to gaze daily at her severed head. Every day, shocking information about the crime that Aaftab allegedly told the police has been making headlines.
Police-recorded confessions are not admissible in court.
The attorney claimed that he had spoken with Aaftab for roughly 10 minutes since taking over the case. He said that he had not mentioned Shraddha during that time.
The attorney dismissed the idea that he may draw retaliation for defending a man who was allegedly guilty of a heinous act.
Although 13 bones, including the base of a skull and a bit of a jaw, have been delivered for a DNA match, the authorities have not located Shraddha’s body in its entirety.
A saw and blade are said to have been used to cut up the body, and they were allegedly thrown in some bushes in Gurugram.
News Mania Desk