
Incredible Image Of A Cone Nebula From The European Space Agency

Astronomers are in disbelief after seeing a magnificent photograph of a cone nebula in outer space. The picture depicts a bizarre, seemingly staring figure in the vastness of the cosmos. The European Southern Observatory has released the picture (ESO). Seven light-years long, the nebula resembles a beacon in the vastness of space. To commemorate its 60th anniversary, the ESO Very Large Telescope took the picture. According to a study in Science Alert, the cone nebula is a component of the NGC 2264 complex, a larger structure located 2,500 light years away.

The outlet claims that NGC 2264 is situated in the constellation Monoceros.

This nebula is composed of dense dust that absorbs light, as opposed to other nebulae that glow brilliantly and exhibit a complex rainbow of colors.

The nebula has an unsettling look of a human-like figure because of its dark feature.

What is a cone nebula?

According to NASA, it appears to be a nightmare creature rearing its head from the vast expanse of space.

Because of its apparent conical shape in photographs, it is known as a cone nebula.

Over millions of years, the nebula slowly deteriorates due to radiation from hot, newborn stars. According to the space agency, ultraviolet radiation burns the dark cloud’s borders, causing gas to escape into the mostly empty surrounding space.

News Mania Desk

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