
Iran Calls for U.S. and Israeli Forces to Exit Syria Amid Escalating Regional Tensions

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/26th June 2024

Iran’s top diplomat at the United Nations has renewed calls for the complete withdrawal of U.S. and Israeli forces from Syria, as conflicts intensify across the Middle East, potentially setting the stage for a broader regional war.

On Tuesday, Iranian Permanent Representative Amir Saeid Iravani addressed the Security Council, stressing the suffering of the Syrian people due to ongoing humanitarian crises, foreign aggression, and occupation. Iravani blamed Western countries for prolonging the conflict through what he described as unlawful occupation, inhumane sanctions, and interference with Syria’s reconstruction efforts.

Specifically targeting the United States, Iravani criticized its support for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls much of northeastern Syria. He called for the rejection of any separatist agendas and the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syrian territory. He also condemned Israel for its continuous aggressions against Syria’s sovereignty, including the occupation of the Golan Heights and airstrikes targeting Iranian positions and allied factions within Syria.

The U.S. government responded by urging restraint and condemning North Korea’s missile launch, with the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command highlighting its commitment to the defense of South Korea and Japan. Despite not posing an immediate threat to U.S. personnel or allies, the situation continues to be closely monitored.

Earlier in the day, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff reported a failed ballistic missile launch from North Korea towards the East Sea, contributing to the ongoing regional tensions.

Iravani’s comments come amid heightened regional tensions, particularly following the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. In April, an Israeli strike on Tehran’s consulate in Damascus resulted in the deaths of several Iranian military personnel, prompting a retaliatory missile and drone barrage from Iran. The U.S. has also been involved, conducting strikes in response to attacks by militias aligned with Iran.

The escalating clashes between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah along the Israel-Lebanon border have further raised concerns about a full-scale escalation. Syrian Permanent Representative Qusay al-Dahhak echoed these concerns at the U.N., accusing the U.S. and its allies of destabilizing the Middle East through their support of Israel and opposition to the Syrian government.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, however, placed the blame on Tehran and Damascus for facilitating the movement of militias within Syria, which she said threatens Israel and destabilizes the region. She emphasized the importance of reducing tensions and preventing further escalation.

In his statement, Iravani affirmed Iran’s commitment to a political resolution in Syria through a Syrian-led, U.N.-facilitated process, free from external interference. Iran continues to cooperate with Russia and Turkey in the Astana peace process, despite the U.S.’s support for the SDF, which Turkey views as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Russia has reiterated calls for U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria and criticized Israel amid the geopolitical tensions exacerbated by the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya highlighted the turbulent situation and the humanitarian crises exacerbated by Israel’s actions and sporadic clashes involving U.S. forces.

With ongoing divisions within Syria and the broader region, U.N. deputy special envoy for Syria Najat Rochdi underscored the pervasive fear among Syrians due to the persistent security threats and violence.

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