Jute products crafted by 3 life convicts attract export orders

Life gives chances to those who have the will to achieve and make things better. Such an inspiring story we witness when the New Jute Revolutionaries of the city saw people acting as their backbone who had fallen to bad times in their lives. Chaitali Das, the social entrepreneur who transformed jute from just a hard piece to a commodity of life, hosted a first of its kind event “Shubhokamona” which celebrated and spread a message to the world that chances shall be given. An event which commemorated overlooking stigma and discrimination for the acceptance of those who seek a better life.
3 convicts with the tag of life imprisonment for the not so good times of their life granted parole over the period of the pandemic who chose to turn around their lives and give something back to the society. The story is of realization and practicality, it’s about the times when you get downtrodden to the deepest corner but yet have the will to reconstruct, rebuild and fix everything that has went south. These artisans took the opportunity which today has granted them reinstated respect , a better future and above all acceptance for the work they contribute to.
Ms. Chaitali Das stated that “They are working with my foundation since the inception 2016, at dumdum central correctional home. The covid situation has improved now and it’s time for them to go back to the prison”.
These 3 artisans were granted parole during the first lockdown and were out in the society, jobless and with the burden of being jobless along with the stigma associated with them. It was this time when they were offered jobs & respect from the Ms. Das foundation and recognized as people who shall be given another go at this. For the belief that was shown in them, they have a position now in the society and are known as artisans. It is with time that they mastered the art and delivered whenever they were asked to. Training programs, workshops and order experiences helped them innovate and complete deliverables. They are now complete profesionals creating lifestyle products which are sustainable in nature and help to combat climate change.
Former DGP IPS graced this occasion as the Chief Guest for the evening mentioning and applauding Ms Chaitali Das”Artisans deserve the credit for the succesful outcome and final products post pilot.project of woolenised jute supported guided by national jute board”.
The Joint commissioner IPS Sri sujay Chanda also applauded the artisans appreciating the hard work of Maidul Mollah, Muckhlechur Rahaman Mondol and Indrajit Paul for their passion to get better at life and proving something to the world for what they have attained is a better purpose to live. May God Grace their lives.
Source: News Mania Desk