“Khaddar ” weaved National Handloom & Independence Days celebration by WICCI & Ladies Group
Khaddar, the fabric of life’ this was the topic which took the centre stage at Wilson cafe.
WICCI India Bangladesh business Council and 6yards and 365 days, got together to organise this event on a rainy evening. To commemorate handloom day and Independence day, the knowledge of khadi was an apt topic to be shared and discussed. About 40 ladies from different walks of life were present draped in chickankari sarees.
6 yards and 365 days, is a Facebook saree group founded by Sunita Buddhiraja; Who propounded handloom sarees as a tool for empowerment for weavers and wearers. With members from across the world, this ladies group exclusively promotes handloom and handcrafted sarees and initiates a virtual campaign to promote the Indian saree which has around 32 thousand members.
The Kolkata Chapter of this group got together to commemorate handloom day. Bappaditya Biswas and Rumi Biswas were guests of honour. Aditi Mukherjee, one of the admins of the group introduced the groups aims and objectives. Sharmista Raha, President, WICCI India Bangladesh Busines Council introduced Bappaditya Biswas and his partner in life and work, Rumi Biswas. A known face and persona, Bappaditya is the founder of the brand Bailou and Byloom store. Not many of us know that his Disco khadi has won him the UNESCO seal of excellence. With the climate change and the ailing Earth at hand, the khaddar has become the relevant topic, something we all need to turn to, accept and embrace it in our lives. In an interactive session Bappaditya Biswas answered many queries from the ladies and also talked about the various techniques of weaving. He emphasized the need of buying authentic handloom and preserving it. The evening wrapped up with high tea and the finale was the pitter patter on the glass roof top making it a perfect monsoon meet.