Lina Medina The History’s Youngest Mother

When she gives birth to a son at the age of 5, Lina Medina breaks the record for the youngest verified mother in medical history.
The Peruvian child’s small pelvis prevented the infant from fitting through the birth canal, so she had to have a cesarean section to deliver a 5-pound, 8-ounce boy. Dr. Edmundo Escomel characterized the girl’s early sexual maturity in a thorough report on the case. When Lina was only eight months old, she experienced her first menstrual period. By the time she was four years old, her breasts had almost fully developed.
Precocious puberty is a rare disease, and Lina’s case was so extreme that many people believed it to be a hoax. However, medical professionals X-rayed the baby while it was still inside the mother and gave Lina a photo that was taken towards the end of her pregnancy. The profile shot picture demonstrates not only the woman’s pregnancy but also the extent of her sexual maturation.
Gerardo, the baby’s name, was a healthy male. He had a typical childhood and learned who his mother really was when he was 10 years old. He passed away at age 40 from a bone-marrow disorder.
Uncertainty surrounds paternity. The charges against Lina’s father were later dropped due to a lack of proof after his arrest on suspicion of rape and incest. The still-alive Lina has never revealed her identity and may not even be aware.
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