Mysterious Icy Objects Found in Milky Way Baffle Astronomers: Everything You Need to Know
News Mania Desk / Piyal Chatterjee / 31th January 2025

Enigmatic frozen entities located thousands of light years from Earth have been discovered, causing confusion among astronomers regarding their characteristics. The finding was achieved through observations over several years, with the first detections originating from data gathered between 2006 and 2011. Recent discoveries have further added to the enigma, with scientists observing that the objects do not align with recognized celestial entities. The formations seem to consist of gas and ice, located in a part of the Milky Way where star formation is rare. The dimensions, makeup, and position have sparked inquiries regarding their origin and categorization.
As stated in the research released on arXiv, Takashi Shimonishi from the University of Tokyo, together with Itsuki Sakon and Takashi Onaka from Niigata University, examined the information gathered from the AKARI space telescope and the ALMA array located in Chile. The two items were initially detected in the infrared data from AKARI, followed by additional observations carried out with ALMA. In spite of further discoveries, their precise characteristics are still unclear.
According to, both entities are estimated to be around 10 times larger than the solar system, which is deemed unusually small for gas clouds. Infrared examination has revealed absorption patterns aligned with young stellar entities or background stars hidden by thick clouds. Nevertheless, their position distant from usual star-forming areas challenges this likelihood.
Inconsistent distance readings have contributed to the ambiguity. One data source indicates that an object is located 6,500 light years away, whereas another estimates its distance to be 30,000 light years. The second object is always measured to be approximately 43,700 light-years distant. These inconsistencies have hindered attempts to categorize them.
The gas enveloping both structures has been mainly recognized as silicon dioxide, along with small amounts of carbon dioxide. The proportion is similar to what is observed in young stars, yet no conclusive findings have been established. Scientists expect that upcoming observations with the James Webb Space Telescope could offer greater insight into their makeup and origins.