
NEET Exam Crisis: CBI Steps In as NTA Faces Scrutiny Over Handling

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/26th  June 2024

The National Testing Agency’s (NTA) management of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) exam crisis has come under severe criticism, with top government sources labeling their actions as immature. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has now been tasked with a comprehensive investigation into the matter, aiming to address every aspect of the situation.

Sources within the government expressed dissatisfaction with the NTA’s response to the crisis, highlighting issues such as unnecessary grace marks and the lack of a prompt re-examination. They emphasized that the handling of the situation should have been more decisive and immediate. The investigation will not only cover the paper leak but will also scrutinize NTA officials to understand the procedural failures that led to the crisis. The sources noted that such paper leaks typically indicate a well-established system rather than a spontaneous occurrence.

The CBI’s involvement has expanded to include five new cases of alleged malpractices in the NEET-UG exam, previously under police investigation in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Bihar, bringing the total number of cases to six. In Maharashtra, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested a Zilla Parishad school headmaster from Latur and detained a teacher, uncovering a racket involving at least four individuals who allegedly facilitated cheating for NEET aspirants willing to pay for guaranteed success.

Amidst this turmoil, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to consider abolishing NEET and returning to the previous system where states conducted their own medical entrance exams. This call for change has gained traction following the paper leak scandal, with several opposition MPs demanding answers from the government in Parliament regarding the hardships faced by countless students due to these irregularities.

In response to the crisis and growing discontent, the Centre has taken significant steps. NTA Director General Subodh Singh was removed from his position, and the investigation into NEET-UG irregularities was officially handed over to the CBI. Pradeep Singh Kharola has taken over additional responsibilities at the NTA, holding meetings with officials to address the immediate concerns and ensure a more robust handling of future examinations.

To further address the examination system’s weaknesses, the Education Ministry has established a seven-member panel led by former ISRO chief K Radhakrishnan. This panel is tasked with reviewing the NTA’s functioning and recommending reforms to prevent future crises. Their first meeting took place on Monday evening, marking the beginning of a comprehensive review process.

Additionally, the Centre has publicized the rules under the newly notified anti-paper leak law, aiming to tighten the examination process. The National Recruitment Agency (NRA) is now mandated to prepare norms, standards, and guidelines for computer-based tests, ensuring more stringent measures against unfair practices. The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Rules, 2024, include provisions for engaging other government agencies, preparing necessary norms and standards, and reporting incidents of unfair means or offenses.

The steps taken by the government and the CBI’s involvement underscore a significant shift towards ensuring the integrity of national examinations. The ongoing investigation and subsequent reforms are expected to restore trust in the examination process, safeguarding the interests of the students and the educational framework of the country.


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