Health /LifestylesIndia
Pro active healthy lifestyle is key to wellness
A seminar titled " GOOD HEALTH FOR ALL :Alzheimer's, Diabetes & Knee Problems" was organized by Calcutta Chamber of Commerce( CCC )
Health of every person in any society plays important role in socio–cultural-economic growth & development of the person and overall society.
A seminar titled ” GOOD HEALTH FOR ALL :Alzheimer’s, Diabetes & Knee Problems” was organized by Calcutta Chamber of Commerce( CCC ) on 31st March 2024 in Kolkata. The seminar addressed four key areas : Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Thalassemia and Alzheimer’s disease which are affecting large section of Indian population across different age groups.
Dr. Bijay Patni Senior Consultant Diabetologist mentioned various types of diabetes are affecting large section of Indian population due to fast changing lifestyle of Indian population including youths and children .
Early diagnosis and treatment can help in better health management for any person. Causes of diabetes are damaged metabolism resulting in damage of vital organs. On the issue of diabetes remission and diabetes reversal Patni indicated diabetes remission is not a cure because it isn’t permanent. Damaged beta cells and underlying genetic factors contribute to the person’s susceptibility to diabetes which remain intact. The disease process reasserts itself over period of time and continued destruction of the beta cells ensues. Diabetes is a progressive disease, and it can worsen over time.
Weight reduction is the key behind both remission and reversal of diabetes. A very low-calorie diet, carbohydrate-restricted diet and exercise can help in diabetes remission and reversal. Patni suggested regular physical exercise , eating of normal home cooked traditional food in moderation,
regular blood tests, exposure to sunlight can help in diabetes management.
Dr. Ramendu Homchaudhury Orthopedician & Knee Replacement Expert & Thalassemia Rotary Ambassador spoke on osteoarthritis , osteoporosis and Thalassemia. Homchaudhury mentioned exposure to sunlight is good for bone health. He indicated there is need to spread awareness on various bone health issues as well as early diagnosis so that corrective measures can be initiated at early stage. Homchaudhury called for need to promote wide spread awareness on Thalassemia. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. It is passed down from one or both parents through their genes.
Homchaudhury called for pre-marriage /pre-sex screening of both partners to identify whether any of the partner is Thalassemia carrier.
Homchaudhury suggested if both partners are Thalassemia carrier then giving birth of child should be avoided.
Keynote speaker of the seminar was Dr. Shuvendu Sen, MD Vice Chair, Professor of Medicine,Jersey Shore University Medical Center, USA who spoke on Alzheimer’s disease affecting wide section of population across the planet Earth but no cure is available at this point in time. Sen stressed due care must be taken by caregivers so that Dignity of Alzheimer patients should not be undermined during management of the Alzheimer patients. Sen mentioned brain’s response system is very complex. Sen ‘s prescription to manage Alzheimer patients and fight Alzheimer : MUSIC , MOVEMENT , MEDITATION . Dr. Sen suggested every one should try to lead pro active lifestyle every day as well as sleep good amount of time to relax and rejuvenate biological body and spend time in nature.
The program was curated by Chairman, Health & Wellness Committee, CCC : Shri Rajendra Khandelwal.
Shri H.S. Halwasia, President of CCC welcomed the august gathering. Shri Narayan Jain President Calcutta Citizens’ Initiative , Shri Purushottam Agrawal President Kolkata Senior Citizens’ Forum , members of Rotary International Dist 3291 ,Rotary Calcutta Suncity , Rotary Calcutta New Alipore , attended the seminar. Shri Ashok Purohit President of Concern for Calcutta while delivering vote of thanks called for conscious effort by each person to take steps to maintain good health.