Health /Lifestyles
Proactive lifestyle is key to Healthy Ageing
Health of every human being is catalyst to healthy growth and development of any society including socio-cultural-economic prosperity in the society.

Historically , health played important role in evolutionary human civilization development .
A talk on ” AGEING IS A PROCESS, HEALTHY AGEING IS A CHOICE ” was organized by Bharat Chamber of Commerce ( BCC ) and Bharat Chamber Ladies Forum to celebrate ” International YOGA Day ” on 28th June 2024 in Kolkata.
Dr. Shivaji Bhattacharya noted Yoga expert cum trainer
as well as medical doctor spoke on Ageing.
Dr. Bhattacharya said to stay healthy as well as to slow down the Ageing process every human being irrespective of gender as well as chronological age needs to lead proactive lifestyle involving physical biological body movements .He said Ageing is influenced by sunlight, water, toxin in air , diet physical activities . Bhattacharya said if the chromosomes are not multiplying ,Ageing is happening at faster rate. Telomeres on chromosomes shorten with ages.
Ageing is natural inheritant process of biological lifecycle of any human being like biological clock.
Relationship between aging and the biological clock (circadian rhythm) is complex and bidirectional.
Biological clock regulates various physiological processes, including metabolism, DNA repair, and cellular senescence. When the circadian rhythm is disrupted, these processes can become dys-regulated, contributing to the aging process.
Research suggests that maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm through lifestyle interventions (e.g., regular sleep schedules, exercise, and light exposure) may help promote healthy aging.
Dr. Bhattacharya suggested to slow down Ageing , every person should drink alkaline water at optimal pH level of 7.4 – 7.7 , eat less of acidic foods, consume nuts , dry fruits , green vegetables, wake up early in the morning before sunrise , indulge in physical exercise, expose biological body to sunlight , sleep for 7-8 hours every day to rejuvenate biological body, laugh a lot , interact with other members of society in positive manner that facilitates to de-stress as well as create fun and joy , indulge in creative activities like singing, dancing, playing sports and games.
Yoga is traditional Indian method of physical exercise encompassing entire body which every individual can do both indoor, outdoor ,in all weather conditions to keep fit. Healthy Ageing involves both physical and mental health of any individual. So , every human being needs to proactively participate both physical and mental activities. While Physical activities will help to build as well as rejuvenate muscles , mental activities can help to de-stress .
According to a recent report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), almost half of Indian adults do not meet the WHO’s recommended levels of physical activity.
In 2022, 45.4% of Indian adults were inactive, which is up from 22.4% in 2000 .
The gender disparity is notable, with 52.6% of women and 38.4% of men physically inactive .
If this trend continues, inactivity levels could reach 55% by 2030.
Women tend to lead more inactive lifestyles compared to men, with household chores often being mistakenly considered as significant physical activity.
Sedentary lifestyles and consumption of junk food are key contributors to diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Indians are genetically more prone to developing non-communicable diseases like heart disease and diabetes at least a decade earlier than others.
Bharat Chamber Ladies Forum Chairperson Smt. Renuka Shah introduced the speaker Dr. S. Bhattacharya . Shri Raj Kumar Agarwal Vice President of BCC highlighted importance of practice yoga in every day life. Dr. Hirak Kumar Sen while delivering vote of thanks stressed on need for physical exercise.
Widespread awareness as well as sensitization about various health related challenges arising due to inactivity is need of the hour .
There is urgent need to build mass movement for physical exercise both in urban as well as rural areas across genders and across ages to motivate people to lead proactive lifestyle every day to build ” Healthy Bharat ” .
(The content is not edited by News Mania Desk, it’s original content of the author)