
Reporter On TV Shocked By Cops’ Reaction After Robbery During FIFA World Cup In Qatar

A TV reporter from Argentina who traveled to Qatar to cover the FIFA World Cup had a terrible experience straight off the bat when she was robbed on the opening day of the competition. Although the incident was understandably terrifying, the woman was taken aback when she called the police to report the robbery. Though the police gave her their full support and assured her that the robber would be found quickly thanks to the nation’s high-security cameras, it was their request for her punishment recommendation that left her speechless.

Dominique Metzger, the victim, was performing a live act at the time of the incident. According to the allegations, a number of things were taken from her handbag. Additionally, video of the live coverage gained popularity on social media.

While reporting from Qatar, a number of journalists have encountered difficulties. An earlier request was made to a Danish journalist who was recording for his show. Later, the tournament’s organizers apologized to the reporter, acknowledging that the reporter had been unintentionally cut off.

On November 20, Ecuador defeated host nation Qatar 2-0 to kick off the FIFA World Cup.

News Mania Desk

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