What is the real significance of the Republic Day for India?

The celebration of the republic day is getting bigger every year. We all know India became a Republic on that day.
But what was she before that ? We say India became independent on 15th August, 1947.
But All she achieved in 1947 (15th August) was a dominion status with the King/Queen of England being the head of state of India and she continued to be ruled by the Colonial era’s Government of India Act of 1935!
So, in a way, from 26th January 1950, India became legally independent when her own constitution was adopted and she had her President as her head of state. Naturally the constitution replaced the Government of India Act of 1935.
Although the constitution of India was adopted by the constituent assembly (there was no elected parliament in that time – it came into effect only in May, 1952) in November 1949 to come into effect from 26th January 1950.
Now some more interesting info.
British Generals continued to head the Indian Army till 14th January 1949 till Field Marshal Kariappa took over.
Royal Air Force Air Marshals continued to lead the India Air Force till Air Marshal Subroto Mukherjee took over on 1st April 1954.
Navy continued to be headed by the British Navy staff till April 1958, more than a decade after independence.