Study Tracks 155 New Genes, Suggests Human Evolution

Do people still develop? A study discovered 155 new genes in humans, indicating that we are still evolving seven million years after splitting off from the chimpanzee lineage. Researchers from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Centre (BSRC Fleming) in Greece conducted the study. They claimed that a little, non-coding region of the DNA gave rise to the recently found genes. The discovery is incredibly significant since, according to Science Alert, these genes appear to have a significant role in human biology.
Cell Reports is the journal where the paper has been published.
The researchers behind this new study built a genetic tree comparing humans to other vertebrate species using data from the prior study (released in 2020).
The researchers observed that while some of the recently identified genes have been around for a long time, others are more recent additions. According to the study’s findings, two of the genes appear to have appeared since the separation between humans and chimpanzees.
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