
U.N. Condemns Russian Missile Strike on Ukrainian Children’s Hospital

News Mania Desk/Agnibeena Ghosh/10th July 2024

The United Nations Security Council convened in a tense emergency meeting on Tuesday, condemning Russia for a missile strike that destroyed part of Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital just a day earlier. The session, chaired by Russia’s Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia due to its current presidency of the council, turned into a forum of heated accusations and denials.

The strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv, which Russia denies responsibility for, resulted in the deaths of at least two medical personnel amidst a barrage that also claimed 42 lives across multiple cities. Nebenzia faced a barrage of criticism from council members, including France and Ecuador, who had requested the session to address what they termed as a grave violation of international humanitarian law.

“Mr. President, please stop this war. It has been going on for too long,” pleaded Slovenian Ambassador Samuel Zbogar during the meeting. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield condemned Russia’s actions, stating, “We are here because Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, attacked a children’s hospital.”

Nebenzia dismissed the criticism as “verbal gymnastics” aimed at shielding Ukraine’s government. He reiterated Moscow’s stance that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian air defense rocket, not Russian missiles as alleged by Ukraine and several international observers.

The aftermath of the attack left scenes of devastation, with rescue workers frantically clearing rubble and medical staff attempting to salvage equipment. Dr. Volodymyr Zhovnir, a surgeon at Okhmatdyt, described the harrowing moments during the strike, recounting how both children and adults screamed in fear amidst the chaos.

Acting U.N. humanitarian chief Joyce Msuya unequivocally labeled the attack as a war crime, emphasizing the deliberate targeting of a hospital. She pointed out that such strikes are part of a broader pattern of systematic attacks on civilian infrastructure across Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022.

International outrage at the strike was palpable among council members. British Ambassador Barbara Woodward condemned it as “cowardly depravity,” while Ecuadorian envoy José De La Gasca labeled it “particularly intolerable.” Slovenia’s Zbogar characterized it as “another low in this war of aggression.”

Despite mounting evidence and international condemnation, Russia maintains its position of not targeting civilian sites in Ukraine, a claim disputed by multiple sources including the U.N. World Health Organization, which has documented nearly 1,878 attacks on health care facilities since the invasion began.

In response to calls for peace talks and restraint, Chinese deputy Ambassador Geng Shuang urged both sides to show political will. However, tensions remain high as Russia and Ukraine continue to exchange accusations and military engagements.

The Security Council session underscored the deep divisions and escalating humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with calls for Russia to withdraw its troops gaining renewed urgency. Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya, presenting evidence of Russian involvement, accused Nebenzia of insensitivity in presiding over the council following the hospital attack.

As international pressure mounts, the situation in Ukraine remains precarious, with diplomatic efforts and humanitarian aid crucial to mitigating further escalation and addressing the urgent needs of civilians caught in the crossfire.

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