
Uttar Pradesh Introduces Stringent Ordinance Against Exam Paper Leaks and Cheating

News Mania Desk/ Agnibeena Ghosh/26th  June 2024

In a bid to clamp down on rampant exam paper leaks and unauthorized practices during examinations, the Uttar Pradesh cabinet has approved an ordinance that imposes severe penalties ranging from two years’ imprisonment to life imprisonment, along with fines up to Rs 1 crore.

The decision to introduce this ordinance follows recent incidents of question paper leaks during various important exams in the state, including the police constable recruitment exam and tests conducted by the public service commission for review officers and assistant review officers. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath chaired the state cabinet meeting where the ordinance received approval, as confirmed by Finance Minister Suresh Khanna during a press briefing.

Khanna elaborated that individuals found guilty of leaking question papers would face imprisonment ranging from a minimum of two years to life, depending on the severity of the offence. Moreover, fines as high as Rs 1 crore will be imposed on the offenders. The ordinance covers examinations conducted by state public service commissions, the Subordinate Service Selection Board, the Uttar Pradesh Board, universities, and affiliated institutions. It extends to recruitment exams, promotion exams, entrance exams for various certificates, and educational qualifications.

Under the new ordinance, distributing fake question papers and establishing fraudulent employment websites will also be considered serious offences. Khanna emphasized that in case an examination is compromised due to these offences, the financial liabilities will be recovered from the perpetrators and the institution responsible for conducting the exam. Additionally, service providers involved in irregularities during exams will be permanently blacklisted, and their properties could be seized.

All offences under the ordinance are classified as cognizable and non-bailable, with the trials to be conducted in sessions courts. Strict provisions have been incorporated regarding bail procedures to prevent offenders from evading justice. Khanna noted that since the legislative assembly is not in session currently, the ordinance is being proposed as an urgent measure to address the pressing issue of exam malpractices.

Highlighting the urgency of the ordinance, Khanna underscored that it will be enacted under the constitutional provisions to ensure the integrity of examinations across the state. This move by the Uttar Pradesh government comes amidst growing concerns over alleged irregularities in national-level exams such as NEET-UG and UGC-NET, underscoring the need for stringent measures to safeguard the sanctity of examinations.

Once the cabinet’s proposal for the ordinance is finalized, it will proceed through the necessary administrative processes before being implemented. This step marks a decisive effort by the state government to curb malpractices in examinations and uphold the credibility of the educational assessment system in Uttar Pradesh.

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