Wikipedia receives a notice from the government regarding alleged prejudice and content mistakes

News Mania Desk / Piyal Chatterjee / 5th November 2024
Wikipedia has been formally alerted by the Indian government due to concerns over inaccurate and biased content on the website. According to government sources, officials have contacted Wikipedia administrators in response to concerns from Indian users who claim that some topics are inaccurate and biased.
Concerns of a “small group” of editors having substantial control over Wikipedia’s content are highlighted in the notice. The government raises concerns about the degree of editorial control exercised by a small group of writers, arguing that this could result in biased reporting on delicate subjects.
The controversy surrounding Wikipedia’s classification as a “intermediary” is a major component of the government’s notice. Under Indian IT regulations, intermediaries are largely shielded from liability for user-generated content as long as they follow certain rules. The notification, however, raises the question of whether Wikipedia ought to be categorized as a “publisher,” which would mean that its content would be subject to more scrutiny.
As the government imposes more stringent regulations on false information, damaging content, and “digital sovereignty,” other sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have previously also come under scrutiny.
Wikipedia relies on volunteer editors all over the world to produce and oversee content because of its distinctive collaborative approach. But the government’s worries highlight how difficult it is to maintain objectivity and truth on a platform that depends on community-driven editorial control.