Words like jumlajeevi, jaichand banned in Parliament, here’s a list of unparliamentary phrases

Lok Sabha Secretariat has prepared a list of words/ sentences under Unparliamentary Words 2021 title and in the category of Unparliamentary Expression
Our respected Members of Parliament will no longer be able to use certain words during proceedings of both the Houses after a list of unparliamentary words have been enlisted. In fact, the Lok Sabha Secretariat has prepared a new compilation of such words and sentences under the title ‘Unparliamentary Words 2021’, which have been kept in the category of ‘Unparliamentary Expressions’.
This compilation, released for the use of members just before the monsoon session of Parliament, includes words or sentences that were declared unparliamentary in the year 2021 in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and state legislatures. Members will no longer be able to use words like Jumlajivi, Shakuni, Jaichand, baal buddhi, taanashahi, Khalistani, gul khilaye, pithu while participating in the discussion.
The use of such words will be treated as inappropriate conduct and will not be part of the proceedings of the House. Even commonly used words like ashamed, abused, betrayed, corrupt, drama, hypocrisy, incompetent, mislead, lie, untrue, goons and incompetent will henceforth be considered unparliamentary.
Many sentences have also been kept in the category of unparliamentary expressions regarding objection on the Speaker’s bench. These include ‘You are wasting my time’, ‘you strangle us’, ‘have weakened the Chair’ and ‘this Chair is unable to protect its members’, among others.
In the compilation of unparliamentary expressions, some words or sentences removed from the proceedings in the Chhattisgarh Vidhan Sabha have also been kept. Some English words and sentences are also included in this compilation, including ‘I’ll Curse You’, betrayed, bloodshed, cheated, shedding crocodile tears, donkey, goons, mafia, rubbish, snake charmer, tout , traitor, witch doctor etc.
According to Rule 380 of the Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Lok Sabha, “If the Speaker is of the opinion that derogatory or unparliamentary or indecent or insensitive words have been used during the course of the discussion, he may order their removal from the proceedings of the House.”
At the same time, according to Rule 381, after marking the part of the proceedings of the House which has to be removed, a note is inserted in the proceedings in such a way that it was removed as per the order of the Speaker.
Some of the words included in the unparliamentary words list
Ghadiyali ansu
Kala din
Kala bazaari
Khareed farokht
Dohra charitra
Behri sarkar
Sexual harassment would all be considered as unparliamentary and would not be included as part of record.
This story has not been edited by News Mania staff and is published from a syndicated feed
Photo: Internet