U.P. Chief Minister Yogi ji has given prominent place to women IAS officers in recent posting of Administrators viz. Selva Kumari J, Ritu Maheshwari, Shruti Sharma, Chaitra V, Sangeeta Singh, Archana Varma, Jasjit Kaur, Asmita Lal, J Ribha, Krutika Jyotsana have been entrusted with important tasks.
Bombay University and TISS educated Asmita Lal IAS is posted as D.M. Baghpat. Asmita Lal was earlier ACEO, UPSIDA. Asmita Lal 2015 batch was posted earlier at Aligarh, Muradabad and Ghaziabad. While posted at Ghaziabad as CDO she initiated several public welfare steps. Awarded by the Governor and Chief Minister, Asmita Lal has worked in the field of girl child education, post-natal health, Open Defecation Free villages and animal welfare. During corona epidemic as CDO Ghaziabad she relentlessly worked in preventing the spread of corona, availability of oxygen and creating awareness about corona. Ghaziabad was adjudged as the first District to have taken various steps as per Govt SOP. Union Health Minister Shri Mansukh Mandavia honored Asmita Lal.
Education to girl child and self-employment to women folks as a means to women empowerment have been the favorite field of activity of Asmita Lal. She has also worked passionately in the field of animal welfare especially stray dogs.